

The brain is arguably considered as the most important organ in the human body. It allows us to feel and think, controls and coordinates actions and reactions and enables us to perform our tasks and have feelings and memories – all the things that make us human.

Rapid advancements in neuro-scientific researches over the years have provided new insights on the working of human brain and to gain stability in life and thrive towards success, we need to know our brain functioning. 

Success Finesse – Brain Decoding Program is a scientifically proven assessment program based on understanding from Neuroscience, Dermatoglyphic, Psychology and Embryology, that will dive deep into every individual’s inborn brain unique potential, strengths, traits, intelligences and a lot more and being aware of these, help them live an authentic life true to their uniqueness. 

This is highly useful for all age groups.


It helps to decode your child’s inborn talents and natural personality traits and innate capabilities.

Understand reasons for your child’s performance and behavioral issues.

Analysis of your child’s strength and weaknesses and suggestions how to improve upon their weaknesses.

Learn the best learning style for your child and customize the learning programs based on Child learning style for exceling results.

Select the extra-curricular activities based upon their Intelligence and innate abilities and see them performing and enjoying to the fullest.

Subject selection, Career Guidance and Career Counselling on which field would be best suited for them.

Equip yourself with the right parenting and study tips.

Get clear understanding of what to expect and what to facilitate to your child.

Develop cordial relationship between children and parents.


Understand your behavioral patterns.

Know your best Learning styles and improve your academics.

Understand your strengths and make best use of these.

Make right selection for your best co-curricular activities and identify your passions.

Help in subject selection to be a better scorer.

Get Career guidance based upon your intelligences and chose the right field and department for your successful professional graph.


Understanding one’s areas of intelligences help an adult understand the most suitable career for them, or even identify blockages in their career growths and to make decisions on careers or to choose the right career to begin with.

Understanding more about self and spouse / partner can help adults build stronger bonds with greater understanding of the reasons of behavior and thus communicate better and build better relationships.

Employers can also apply this assessments to find out the strength and weakness of their employees for position placement and to identify which department would be most suitable to each employee to get maximum productivity from them and be beneficial to the organization.

Biometric Assessment has been researched and formulated by scientists, researchers and experts. It’s been recognized by renowned universities worldwide and trust that finger prints provide accurate analysis of humans Multiple Intelligences and innate potential.

However, its advised at any age, but earlier the better and if not recognized at all, they would be so many areas that may remain shadowed all through a person’s life, leading to a life of blame and victim mode, full of frustration of not reaching to their aspired goals, landing up to stuck state of mind, with lots of resentments, dissatisfaction, dejections in work and personal life and broken relationships.

As a certified Analyst for this assessment, I promise to make your path to self-improvement a breeze. Click the button below to schedule your 30 Mins FREE DISCOVERY SESSION right now. I’ll be looking forward to seeing you there!